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1import numpy as np
2from typing import Optional
3from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
4from hypervehicle.geometry.vector import Vector3, cross_product
7class Path(ABC):
8 """Abstract parameteric path."""
10 @abstractmethod
11 def __repr__(self):
12 pass
14 @abstractmethod
15 def __call__(self, t):
16 pass
18 def length(self, n=20):
19 """Rudimentary evaluation of path length by sampling and summing."""
20 length = 0.0
21 p0 = self.__call__(0.0)
22 dt = 1.0 / n
23 for i in range(n):
24 p1 = self.__call__((i + 1) * dt)
25 length += abs(p1 - p0)
26 p0 = p1
27 return length
30class Line(Path):
31 """Straight line path between two points."""
33 __slots__ = ["p0", "p1"]
35 def __init__(self, p0, p1):
36 self.p0 = Vector3(p0)
37 self.p1 = Vector3(p1)
39 def __repr__(self):
40 return "Line(p0={}, p1={})".format(self.p0, self.p1)
42 def __call__(self, t: float):
43 return self.p0 * (1 - t) + self.p1 * t
45 def length(self):
46 return abs(self.p1 - self.p0)
48 def __add__(self, offset: Vector3):
49 if isinstance(offset, Vector3):
50 p0 = self.p0 + offset
51 p1 = self.p1 + offset
52 return Line(p0=p0, p1=p1)
53 else:
54 raise ValueError(f"Cannot add a {type(offset)} to a line.")
57class Bezier(Path):
58 """Bezier curve defined on a list of points."""
60 __slots__ = ["B"]
62 def __init__(self, B):
63 try:
64 self.B = [Vector3(p) for p in B]
65 except Exception as e:
66 raise ValueError(
67 f"Was expecting to get a list of points for B, but got {B}"
68 )
70 def __repr__(self):
71 return f"Bezier(B={self.B})"
73 def __call__(self, t):
74 if len(self.B) == 1:
75 return self.B[0]
76 n_order = len(self.B) - 1
77 # Apply de Casteljau's algorithm.
78 Q = self.B.copy() # work array will be overwritten
79 for k in range(n_order):
80 for i in range(n_order - k):
81 Q[i] = Q[i] * (1.0 - t) + Q[i + 1] * t
82 return Q[0]
85class Polyline(Path):
86 """Collection of Path segments."""
88 __slots__ = ["segments", "t_values", "isclosed"]
90 def __init__(self, segments: list[Path], closed=False, tolerance=1.0e-10):
91 self.segments: list[Path] = []
92 for seg in segments:
93 self.segments.append(seg)
94 self.isclosed = closed
95 if self.isclosed:
96 p0 = self.segments[0](0.0)
97 p1 = self.segments[-1](1.0)
98 if abs(p1 - p0) > tolerance:
99 self.segments.append(Line(p0, p1))
100 self.reset_breakpoints()
102 def reset_breakpoints(self):
103 self.t_values = [0.0]
104 t_total = 0.0
105 for seg in self.segments:
106 t_total += seg.length()
107 self.t_values.append(t_total)
108 for i in range(len(self.t_values)):
109 self.t_values[i] /= t_total
111 def __repr__(self):
112 text = "Polyline(segments=["
113 n = len(self.segments)
114 for i in range(n):
115 text += "{}".format(self.segments[i])
116 text += ", " if i < n - 1 else "]"
117 return text
119 def __call__(self, t):
120 n = len(self.segments)
121 if n == 1:
122 return self.segments[0](t)
124 f = self.segments[0](t)
125 f *= 0.0
127 for i, tl, tu in zip(range(n), self.t_values[:-1], self.t_values[1:]):
128 t_local = (t - tl) / (tu - tl)
129 if i == 0:
130 isokay = t_local <= 1.0
131 elif i == n - 1:
132 isokay = t_local > 0.0
133 else:
134 isokay = np.logical_and(t_local > 0.0, t_local <= 1.0)
135 f += self.segments[i](t_local) * isokay
136 return f
138 def length(self):
139 L = 0.0
140 for seg in self.segments:
141 L += seg.length()
142 return L
145class Spline(Polyline):
146 """Construct a spline of Bezier segments from a sequence of points."""
148 def __init__(
149 self,
150 points,
151 closed: Optional[bool] = False,
152 tolerance: Optional[float] = 1.0e-10,
153 ):
154 """Given m+1 interpolation points p, determine the m-segment
155 Bezier polyline that interpolates these points as a spline.
156 This is done by first determining the array of weight points
157 which define the spline and then evaluating the cubic
158 Bezier segments.
160 For a natural spline, the first and last weight points
161 are also the first and last interpolation points.
162 And, for the initial guess at the remaining weight points,
163 just use the supplied data points.
164 This amounts to copying the whole p collection.
166 References
167 ----------
168 G. Engelin & F. Uhlig (1996)
169 Numerical Algorithms with C
170 Springer, Berlin
171 Section 12.3.1
172 """
173 self.points = [Vector3(p) for p in points]
174 if closed and (abs(self.points[0] - self.points[-1]) > tolerance):
175 self.points.append(Vector3(points[0]))
176 self.closed = closed
178 m = len(self.points) - 1
179 d = [Vector3(p) for p in self.points]
181 # Apply Gauss-Seidel iteration until
182 # the internal weight points converge.
183 for j in range(50):
184 max_diff = 0.0
185 for i in range(1, m):
186 old_p = Vector3(d[i])
187 d[i] = 0.25 * (6.0 * self.points[i] - d[i - 1] - d[i + 1])
188 max_diff = max(max_diff, abs(d[i] - old_p))
189 if max_diff < tolerance:
190 break
192 # Final stage; calculate the cubic Bezier segments.
193 segments = [
194 Bezier(
195 [
196 self.points[i],
197 (2.0 * d[i] + d[i + 1]) / 3.0,
198 (d[i] + 2.0 * d[i + 1]) / 3.0,
199 self.points[i + 1],
200 ]
201 )
202 for i in range(m)
203 ]
204 super().__init__(segments, closed, tolerance)
206 def __repr__(self):
207 return f"Spline(points={self.points}, closed={self.closed})"
210class Arc(Path):
211 """An arc from point a to point b, with a centre at point c."""
213 __slots__ = ["a", "b", "c"]
215 def __init__(self, a: Vector3, b: Vector3, c: Vector3):
216 self.a = Vector3(a)
217 self.b = Vector3(b)
218 self.c = Vector3(c)
220 def __repr__(self):
221 return f"Arc(a={self.a}, b={self.b}, c={self.c})"
223 def __call__(self, t: float):
224 p, L = self.evaluate_position_and_length(t)
225 return p
227 def length(self):
228 p, L = self.evaluate_position_and_length(1.0)
229 return L
231 def evaluate_position_and_length(self, t: float):
232 l = 0.0
233 ca = self.a - self.c
234 ca_mag = abs(ca)
235 cb = self.b - self.c
236 cb_mag = abs(cb)
237 if abs(ca_mag - cb_mag) > 1.0e-5:
238 raise Exception(f"Arc: radii do not match |ca|={abs(ca)} |cb|={abs(cb)}")
240 # First vector in plane.
241 tangent1 = Vector3(ca)
242 tangent1.normalize()
244 # Compute unit normal to plane of all three points
245 n = cross_product(ca, cb)
246 if abs(n) > 0.0:
247 n.normalize()
248 else:
249 raise Exception(
250 "Arc: cannot find plane of three points. Maybe you are trying "
251 + "to define an arc with 180 degrees?"
252 )
254 # Third (orthogonal) vector is in the original plane
255 tangent2 = cross_product(n, tangent1)
257 # Now transform to local coordinates to do the calculation of the point along
258 # the arc in the local xy-plane, with ca along the x-axis
259 cb_local = Vector3(cb)
260 cb_local.transform_to_local_frame(tangent1, tangent2, n)
261 if np.any(np.absolute(cb_local.z) > 1.0e-6):
262 raise Exception(f"Arc: problem with transformation cb_local={cb_local}")
264 # Angle of the final point on the arc is in the range -pi < th <= +pi
265 theta = np.arctan2(cb_local.y, cb_local.x)
267 # The length of the circular arc
268 l = theta * cb_mag
270 # Move the second point around the arc in the local xy-plane
271 theta *= t
272 loc = Vector3(np.cos(theta) * cb_mag, np.sin(theta) * cb_mag, 0.0 * theta)
274 # Transform back to global xyz coordinates and add the centre coordinates
275 loc.transform_to_global_frame(tangent1, tangent2, n, self.c)
277 return loc, l
280class ArcLengthParameterizedPath(Path):
281 """A Path reparameterized such that equal increments in t correspond
282 to approximately equal increments in arc length.
283 """
285 __slots__ = ["underlying_path", "arc_lengths", "t_values", "_n"]
287 def __init__(self, underlying_path, n=1000):
288 if isinstance(underlying_path, Path):
289 self.underlying_path = underlying_path
290 if n < 1:
291 raise RuntimeError("Should have at least one arc-length sample.")
292 self._n = n
293 self.set_arc_lengths()
294 else:
295 raise NotImplementedError("underlying_path should be a type of Path")
296 return
298 def set_arc_lengths(self):
299 """
300 Compute the arc lengths for a number of sample points along the Path
301 (in equally-spaced values of t) so that these can later be used to do
302 a reverse interpolation on the evaluation parameter.
303 """
304 dt = 1.0 / self._n
305 L = 0.0
306 self.arc_lengths = [
307 0.0,
308 ]
309 self.t_values = [
310 0.0,
311 ]
312 p0 = self.underlying_path(0.0)
313 for i in range(1, self._n + 1):
314 p1 = self.underlying_path(dt * i)
315 L += abs(p1 - p0)
316 self.arc_lengths.append(L)
317 self.t_values.append(dt * i)
318 p0 = p1
319 self.t_values = np.array(self.t_values)
320 self.arc_lengths = np.array(self.arc_lengths)
321 return
323 def underlying_t(self, t):
324 """
325 Search the pieces of arc length to find the piece containing the
326 desired point and then interpolate the local value of t for that piece.
327 """
328 # The incoming parameter value, t, is proportional to arc_length fraction.
329 L_target = t * self.arc_lengths[-1]
331 # Do a single variable linear interpolation to approximate an ordinary t value
332 ut = np.interp(L_target, self.arc_lengths, self.t_values, left=0.0, right=1.0)
333 return ut
335 def __repr__(self):
336 return "ArcLengthParameterizedPath(underlying_path={}, n={})".format(
337 self.underlying_path, self._n
338 )
340 def __call__(self, t):
341 return self.underlying_path(self.underlying_t(t))
343 def length(self):
344 return self.underlying_path.length()
347def roberts(eta: float, alpha: float, beta: float):
348 """Computes the stretched coordinate in the range [0.0..1.0]
349 using the boundary-layer-like transformation devised by Roberts.
351 Parameters
352 ------------
353 eta : float
354 unstretched coordinate, 0 <= eta <= 1.0
356 beta : float
357 stretching factor (more stretching as beta --> 1.0)
359 alpha : float
360 Location of stretching
361 | alpha = 0.5: clustering of nodes at both extremes of eta
362 | alpha = 0.0: nodes will be clustered near eta=1.0
363 """
364 lmbda = (beta + 1.0) / (beta - 1.0)
365 lmbda = np.power(lmbda, ((eta - alpha) / (1.0 - alpha)))
366 etabar = (beta + 2.0 * alpha) * lmbda - beta + 2.0 * alpha
367 etabar = etabar / ((2.0 * alpha + 1.0) * (1.0 + lmbda))
368 return etabar
371def clustered_roberts(eta: float, end1: bool, end2: bool, beta: float):
372 """Compute a stretched ordinate.
374 Parameters
375 ------------
376 eta : float
377 Unstretched ordinate, scalar or array.
379 end1 : bool
380 Cluster flag for end 1. If False, points are not clustered to end 1.
381 If True, points ARE clustered to end 1.
383 end2 : bool
384 Cluster flag for end 2. If False, points are not clustered to end 2.
385 If True, points ARE clustered to end 2.
387 beta : float
388 Grid stretching parameter:
389 1 < beta < +inf : points are clustered
390 The closer to 1, the more the clustering.
391 beta < 1 for no clustering.
392 """
393 # Decide on stretching parameters for Robert's transform.
394 alpha = 0.5
395 reverse = False
396 cluster = True
397 if ((not end1) and (not end2)) or (beta < 1.0):
398 cluster = False
399 if end1 and end2:
400 alpha = 0.5
401 if end1 and (not end2):
402 reverse = True
403 alpha = 0.0
404 if (not end1) and end2:
405 reverse = False
406 alpha = 0.0
407 if cluster:
408 if reverse:
409 eta = 1.0 - eta
410 etabar = roberts(eta, alpha, beta)
411 if reverse:
412 etabar = 1.0 - etabar
413 else:
414 etabar = eta
415 return etabar
418def distribute_points(t1: float, t2: float, n: int, end1, end2, beta):
419 """Generate a set of n+1 points nonuniformly distributed from t1 to t2.
421 Parameters
422 -----------
423 t1 : float
424 Parameter value 1.
426 t2 : float
427 Parameter value 2.
429 n : int
430 Number of intervals (the number of points is n+1).
432 end1 : bool
433 Cluster flag for end 1. If False, points are not clustered to end 1.
434 If True, points ARE clustered to end 1.
436 end2 : bool
437 Cluster flag for end 2. If False, points are not clustered to end 2.
438 If True, points ARE clustered to end 2.
440 beta : float
441 Grid stretching parameter:
442 1 < beta < +inf : points are clustered
443 The closer to 1, the more the clustering.
444 beta < 1 for no clustering.
446 Returns the array of n+1 distributed values.
447 """
448 # Compute the grid points as an array.
449 etabar = clustered_roberts(np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, n + 1), end1, end2, beta)
451 # Compute the parameter value within the given end-points.
452 x = (1.0 - etabar) * t1 + etabar * t2
453 return x
456class ClusterFunction(ABC):
457 @abstractmethod
458 def __repr__(self):
459 pass
461 @abstractmethod
462 def __call__(self, x):
463 pass
465 @abstractmethod
466 def distribute_parameter_values(self, nv):
467 pass
470class LinearFunction(ClusterFunction):
471 def __init__(self):
472 return
474 def __repr__(self):
475 return "LinearFunction()"
477 def __call__(self, x):
478 """
479 Simply returns the value, be it scalar or array.
480 """
481 return x
483 def distribute_parameter_values(self, nv):
484 """
485 Returns an array of uniformly-distributed sample points in range [0.0 ... 1.0].
486 """
487 return np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nv)
490class RobertsFunction(ClusterFunction):
491 """Roberts' boundary-layer-like clustering function.
493 Note that, compared with the old definition that we delegate the actual work to,
494 the ends are renamed 0, 1 to align with the Eilmer4 notation.
495 """
497 _slots_ = ["end0", "end1", "beta"]
499 def __init__(self, end0, end1, beta):
500 """
501 Store the cluster parameters for later use.
502 """
503 self.end0 = end0
504 self.end1 = end1
505 self.beta = beta
506 return
508 def __repr__(self):
509 return f"RobertsFunction(end0={self.end0}, end1={self.end1}, beta={self.beta})"
511 def __call__(self, x):
512 return clustered_roberts(x, self.end0, self.end1, self.beta)
514 def distribute_parameter_values(self, nv):
515 """Returns an array of clustered sample points in range [0.0 ... 1.0]."""
516 return distribute_points(0.0, 1.0, nv - 1, self.end0, self.end1, self.beta)