Coverage for /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.10/x64/lib/python3.11/site-packages/hypervehicle/components/ 48%
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1import pymeshfix
2import numpy as np
3from stl import mesh
4from copy import deepcopy
5from abc import abstractmethod
6from collections import Counter
7from multiprocess.pool import Pool
8from typing import Callable, Union, Optional
9from hypervehicle.geometry.vector import Vector3
10from hypervehicle.geometry.surface import StructuredGrid, ParametricSurface
11from hypervehicle.utilities import surfce_to_stl
12from hypervehicle.geometry.geometry import (
13 CurvedPatch,
14 RotatedPatch,
15 MirroredPatch,
16 OffsetPatchFunction,
20class AbstractComponent:
21 componenttype = None
23 @abstractmethod
24 def __init__(self, params: dict, verbosity: int = 1) -> None:
25 pass
27 @abstractmethod
28 def __repr__(self):
29 pass
31 @abstractmethod
32 def __str__(self):
33 pass
35 @property
36 @abstractmethod
37 def componenttype(self):
38 # This is a placeholder for a class variable defining the component type
39 pass
41 @abstractmethod
42 def generate_patches(self):
43 """Generates the parametric patches from the parameter dictionary."""
44 pass
46 @abstractmethod
47 def curve(self):
48 """Applies a curvature function to the parametric patches."""
49 pass
51 @abstractmethod
52 def rotate(self, angle: float = 0, axis: str = "y"):
53 """Rotates the parametric patches."""
54 pass
56 @abstractmethod
57 def reflect(self):
58 """Reflects the parametric patches."""
59 pass
61 @abstractmethod
62 def grid(self):
63 """Creates a discrete grid from the parametric patches."""
64 pass
66 @abstractmethod
67 def surface(self):
68 """Creates the discretised surface data from the
69 parametric patches."""
70 pass
72 @abstractmethod
73 def to_vtk(self):
74 """Writes the component to VTK file format."""
75 pass
77 @abstractmethod
78 def to_stl(self):
79 """Writes the component to STL file format."""
80 pass
82 @abstractmethod
83 def analyse(self):
84 """Evaluates properties of the STL mesh."""
85 pass
88class Component(AbstractComponent):
89 def __init__(
90 self,
91 params: Optional[dict] = None,
92 edges: Optional[list] = None,
93 stl_resolution: Optional[int] = 2,
94 verbosity: Optional[int] = 1,
95 name: Optional[str] = None,
96 ) -> None:
97 # Set verbosity
98 self.verbosity = verbosity
100 # Save parameters
101 self.params = params
103 # Save edges
104 self.edges = edges if edges is not None else []
106 # Processed objects
107 self.patches: dict[str, ParametricSurface] = (
108 {}
109 ) # Parametric patches (continuous)
110 self.patch_res_r = {} # corresponding stl resolution in 'r' direction
111 self.patch_res_s = {} # corresponding stl resolution in 's' direction
113 # VTK Attributes
114 self.grids = None # Structured grids
116 # STL Attributes
117 self.surfaces = None # STL surfaces for each patch
118 self.stl_resolution = stl_resolution # STL cells per edge
119 self._mesh = None # STL mesh for entire component
121 # Curvature functions
122 self._curvatures = None
124 # Clustering
125 self._clustering = {}
127 # Transformations
128 self._transformations = []
130 # Modifier function
131 self._modifier_function = None
133 # Component reflection
134 self._reflection_axis = None
135 self._append_reflection = True
137 # Ghost component
138 self._ghost = False
140 # Component name
141 = name
143 # Multiprocessing flag for STL generation
144 # TODO - make this configurable by user
145 self._multiprocess = True
147 def __repr__(self):
148 s = f"{self.componenttype} component"
149 if
150 s += f" (tagged '{}')"
152 return s
154 def __str__(self):
155 if
156 return
157 else:
158 return f"{self.componenttype} component"
160 def __copy__(self):
161 cls = self.__class__
162 result = cls.__new__(cls)
163 result.__dict__.update(self.__dict__)
164 return result
166 def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
167 cls = self.__class__
168 result = cls.__new__(cls)
169 memo[id(self)] = result
170 for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
171 setattr(result, k, deepcopy(v, memo))
172 return result
174 def curve(self):
175 if self._curvatures is not None:
176 for curvature in self._curvatures:
177 for key, patch in self.patches.items():
178 self.patches[key] = CurvedPatch(
179 underlying_surf=patch,
180 direction=curvature[0],
181 fun=curvature[1],
182 fun_dash=curvature[2],
183 )
185 @property
186 def mesh(self):
187 if not self._mesh:
188 # Check for processed surfaces
189 if self.surfaces is None:
190 if self.verbosity > 1:
191 print(" Generating surfaces for component.")
193 # Generate surfaces
194 self.surface()
196 # Combine all surface data
197 surface_data = np.concatenate([s[1].data for s in self.surfaces.items()])
199 # Create nominal STL mesh
200 self._mesh = mesh.Mesh(surface_data)
202 return self._mesh
204 @mesh.setter
205 def mesh(self, value):
206 self._mesh = value
208 def rotate(self, angle: float = 0, axis: str = "y"):
209 for key, patch in self.patches.items():
210 self.patches[key] = RotatedPatch(patch, np.deg2rad(angle), axis=axis)
212 def translate(self, offset: Union[Callable, Vector3]):
213 if isinstance(offset, Vector3):
214 # Translate vector into lambda function
215 offset_function = lambda x, y, z: offset
216 else:
217 offset_function = offset
219 # Could wrap it in a lambda if provided
220 for key, patch in self.patches.items():
221 self.patches[key] = OffsetPatchFunction(patch, offset_function)
223 def transform(self):
224 for transform in self._transformations:
225 func = getattr(self, transform[0])
226 func(*transform[1:])
228 def apply_modifier(self):
229 if self._modifier_function:
230 for key, patch in self.patches.items():
231 self.patches[key] = OffsetPatchFunction(patch, self._modifier_function)
233 def reflect(self, axis: str = None):
234 axis = self._reflection_axis if self._reflection_axis is not None else axis
235 if axis is not None:
236 # Create mirrored patches
237 mirrored_patches = {}
238 for key, patch in self.patches.items():
239 mirrored_patches[f"{key}_mirrored"] = MirroredPatch(patch, axis=axis)
241 # Now either add the reflected patches to the same component, or
242 # replace the patches with their reflected versions
243 if self._append_reflection:
244 # Append mirrored patches to original patches
245 for key, patch in mirrored_patches.items():
246 self.patches[key] = patch
247 else:
248 # Overwrite existing patches
249 self.patches = mirrored_patches
251 def grid(self):
252 for key in self.patches:
253 self.grids[key] = StructuredGrid(
254 surface=self.patches[key],
255 niv=self.vtk_resolution,
256 njv=self.vtk_resolution,
257 )
259 def surface(self, resolution: int = None):
260 stl_resolution = self.stl_resolution if resolution is None else resolution
262 # Check for patches
263 if len(self.patches) == 0:
264 raise Exception(
265 "No patches have been generated. Please call .generate_patches()."
266 )
268 # Create case list
269 if isinstance(stl_resolution, int):
270 case_list = [
271 [k, patch, stl_resolution, stl_resolution]
272 for k, patch in self.patches.items()
273 ]
274 else:
275 case_list = [
276 [k, patch, self.patch_res_r[k], self.patch_res_r[k]]
277 for k, patch in self.patches.items()
278 ]
280 # Prepare multiprocessing arguments iterable
281 def wrapper(key: str, patch: ParametricSurface, res_r: int, res_s: int):
282 surface = surfce_to_stl(
283 parametric_surface=patch,
284 triangles_per_edge_r=res_r,
285 triangles_per_edge_s=res_s,
286 **self._clustering,
287 )
288 return (key, surface)
290 self.surfaces = {}
291 if self._multiprocess is True:
292 # Initialise surfaces and pool
293 pool = Pool()
295 # Submit tasks
296 for result in pool.starmap(wrapper, case_list):
297 self.surfaces[result[0]] = result[1]
299 else:
300 for case in case_list:
301 k = case[0]
302 pat = case[1]
303 print(f"START: Creating stl for '{k}'.")
304 result = wrapper(k, pat, case[2], case[3])
305 self.surfaces[result[0]] = result[1]
306 print(f" DONE: Creating stl for '{k}'.")
308 def to_vtk(self):
309 raise NotImplementedError("This method has not been implemented yet.")
310 # TODO - check for processed grids
311 for key, grid in self.grids.items():
312 grid.write_to_vtk_file(f"{self.vtk_filename}-wing_{key}.vtk")
314 def to_stl(self, outfile: str = None):
315 if not self._ghost:
316 if self.verbosity > 1:
317 print("Writing patches to STL format. ")
318 if outfile is not None:
319 print(f"Output file = {outfile}.")
321 # Get mesh
322 stl_mesh = self.mesh
324 if outfile is not None:
325 # Write STL to file
328 # Clean it
329 # NOTE - disabling this for now as it can cause severe mesh deformation
331 # pymeshfix.clean_from_file(outfile, outfile)
333 def analyse(self):
334 # Get mass properties
335 volume, cog, inertia = self.mesh.get_mass_properties()
337 # Print results
338 print(f"Volume: {volume} m^3")
339 print(f"COG location: {cog}")
340 print("Moment of intertia metrix at COG:")
341 print(inertia)
343 def add_clustering_options(
344 self,
345 i_clustering_func: Optional[Callable] = None,
346 j_clustering_func: Optional[Callable] = None,
347 ):
348 """Add a clustering option to this component.
350 Parameters
351 -----------
352 i_clustering_func : Callable, optional
353 The clustering function in the i direction. The default is None.
355 j_clustering_func : Callable, optional
356 The clustering function in the j direction. The default is None.
357 """
358 if i_clustering_func:
359 self._clustering.update({"i_clustering_func": i_clustering_func})
361 if j_clustering_func:
362 self._clustering.update({"j_clustering_func": j_clustering_func})
364 def stl_check(
365 self, project_area: Optional[bool] = True, matching_lines: Optional[bool] = True
366 ):
367 """Check the STL mesh."""
368 # TODO - add comment annotations
369 pass_flag = True
370 mesh = self.mesh
371 print(f" MESH CHECK")
372 print(f" mesh: {mesh}")
373 if project_area:
374 print(f" Project Area Check")
375 normals = np.asarray(mesh.normals, dtype=np.float64)
376 allowed_max_errors = np.abs(normals).sum(axis=0) * np.finfo(np.float32).eps
377 sum_normals = normals.sum(axis=0)
378 print(f" allowed error: {allowed_max_errors}")
379 print(f" normals sum: {sum_normals}")
380 if ((np.abs(sum_normals)) <= allowed_max_errors).all():
381 print(f" PASS")
382 else:
383 print(f" FAIL")
384 pass_flag = False
386 if matching_lines:
387 print(f" Matching Lines Check")
388 reversed_triangles = (
389 np.cross(mesh.v1 - mesh.v0, mesh.v2 - mesh.v0) * mesh.normals
390 ).sum(axis=1) < 0
391 import itertools
393 directed_edges = {
394 tuple(edge.ravel() if not rev else edge[::-1, :].ravel())
395 for rev, edge in zip(
396 itertools.cycle(reversed_triangles),
397 itertools.chain(
398 mesh.vectors[:, (0, 1), :],
399 mesh.vectors[:, (1, 2), :],
400 mesh.vectors[:, (2, 0), :],
401 ),
402 )
403 }
404 undirected_edges = {frozenset((edge[:3], edge[3:])) for edge in directed_edges}
405 edge_check = len(directed_edges) == 3 *
406 print(f" len(directed_edges) == 3 *")
407 if edge_check:
408 print(f" {len(directed_edges)} == {3*}")
409 print(f" PASS")
410 else:
411 print(f" {len(directed_edges)} != {3*}")
412 print(f" FAIL")
413 print(f" The number of edges should be N_cells*3")
414 print(f" len(directed_edges)={len(directed_edges)}")
415 print(f"{}")
416 pass_flag = False
417 pair_check = len(directed_edges) == 2 * len(undirected_edges)
418 print(f" len(directed_edges) == 2 * len(undirected_edges)")
419 if pair_check:
420 print(f" {len(directed_edges)} == {2 * len(undirected_edges)}")
421 print(f" PASS")
422 return pass_flag
423 else:
424 print(f" {len(directed_edges)} != {2 * len(undirected_edges)}")
425 print(f" FAIL")
426 print(f" All edges should be in pairs")
427 print(f" len_directed:{len(directed_edges)}")
428 print(f" len_undirect (pairs+leftover):{len(undirected_edges)}")
429 pass_flag = False
431 edge_list = []
432 for edge in directed_edges:
433 edge_list.append(frozenset((edge[:3], edge[3:])))
435 counter_out = Counter(edge_list)
437 k_list = []
438 for k, v in counter_out.items():
439 if v == 2:
440 k_list.append(k)
441 for k in k_list:
442 del counter_out[k]
444 return pass_flag
446 def stl_repair(self, small_distance: float = 1e-6):
447 """Attempts to repair stl mesh issues.
449 Parameters
450 -----------
451 small_distance : Float, optional
452 Vectors less than this distance apart will be set to the same value.
453 """
454 mesh = self.mesh
455 N_faces = np.shape(mesh)[0]
456 vectors = np.vstack((mesh.v0, mesh.v1, mesh.v2))
458 def find_groups(vector, small_distance):
459 """find indices for groups of points that within small_distance from one another."""
460 sort_i = np.argsort(vector)
461 groups = []
462 li = []
463 count = 0
464 for i in range(len(vector) - 1):
465 if count == 0:
466 x0 = vector[sort_i[i]]
467 x1 = vector[sort_i[i + 1]]
468 if abs(x1 - x0) < small_distance:
469 if count == 0:
470 li.append(sort_i[i])
471 li.append(sort_i[i + 1])
472 count = 1
473 else:
474 li.append(sort_i[i + 1])
475 else:
476 groups.append(li)
477 li = []
478 count = 0
479 if i == len(vector) - 2 and count > 0:
480 groups.append(li)
481 return groups
483 iix = find_groups(vectors[:, 0], small_distance)
484 iiy = find_groups(vectors[:, 1], small_distance)
485 iiz = find_groups(vectors[:, 2], small_distance)
487 # find intersecting sets and take average
488 for ix in iix:
489 for iy in iiy:
490 common0 = set(ix) & set(iy)
491 if len(common0) == 0:
492 continue # jumpt to next loop iteration if only one entry
493 for iz in iiz:
494 common = list(common0 & set(iz))
495 if common:
496 vectors[common] = np.mean(vectors[common], axis=0)
497 mesh.v0 = vectors[0:N_faces, :]
498 mesh.v1 = vectors[N_faces : 2 * N_faces, :]
499 mesh.v2 = vectors[2 * N_faces : 3 * N_faces, :]